Príbehy Slowly


🇰🇷 South Korea

We’re never alone, because we’re all connected.

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🇧🇴 Bolivia

I stopped responding to her letters, without first saying goodbye...

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🇮🇳 India

It's my story, the story of understanding myself and accepting myself.

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🇺🇸 United States

I'm no longer afraid of being rejected by people because I know there will always be someone who will accept me for who I am, no matter how bad my flaws and imperfections might be.

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🇺🇸 Spojené štáty americké

Slowly som používala iba niekoľko mesiacov ale stále ho neviem prestať odporúčať.

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🇷🇴 Rumunsko

Ale ja som prepadol jej listom ešte skôr, ako som spoznal jej skutočné meno alebo videl jej tvár, obrázok, cez jej listy som uzrel to, na čom záleží...

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A.I. Diagiamini

🇨🇱 Chile

Just as I made sending letters through Slowly a fundamental part of my routine, I also learned to listen to my penpals.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

I used all my luck in it, I guess. I've met an amazing person. While reading his letters, I feel like with him in Spain.

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The Rtist

🇮🇳 India

He is 60 years older than me, and yet we can still find things to agree upon and share.

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🇵🇰 Pakistan

I didn't expect that anyone will ever talk to me like my first pen pal wrote me.

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🇸🇦 Saudská Arábia

Ako dieťaťu mi diagnostikovali autizmus. Moja mama z toho bola veľmi smutná (a neskôr, keď som bol väčší, tak aj ja) vediac

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