Slowly 스토리


🇰🇷 South Korea

We’re never alone, because we’re all connected.

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🇫🇷 France

Some letters are like sun rays that keep shining in my heart.

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🇺🇸 미국

친구들은 저의 이야기를 들어주고, 저를 안심시켜주어서, 전 결국 모든 것이 잘 되리라는 것을 알게 되었습니다.

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🇵🇭 Philippines

To be in constant frustration, isolated and too much of my dismay, I am all alone.

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🇦🇺 Australia / 🇨🇳 China

As an Australian living in China, there are periods of time where loneliness and isolation can overwhelm you.

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🇬🇧 United Kingdom

You do not have to be worried about being judged or misinterpreted at all. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting.

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🇦🇷 아르헨티나

Slowly는 제게 편지에 담긴 희망을 주었습니다.

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🇮🇳 India

He introduced me to Slowly and told me if you're afraid to say things to your family, you should probably be fine to talk about it to a stranger.

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🇺🇸 미국

그는 지구 반대편에 있고 나는 그 어떤 사람들보다 그와 친하다.

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A.I. Diagiamini

🇨🇱 칠레

Slowly를 통해 편지를 보내는게 일상이 된 것처럼, 저는 펜팔들 말을 듣는 법도 배웠습니다.

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🇬🇧 영국

메시지를 바로 보낼 수도 있는데, 왜 내가 저걸 하고 싶어하겠어? 몇 시간씩 기다리지 않고도 사람들한테 연락하는 훨씬 빠른 방법이 있는데?

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🇷🇺 Russia

I can be heard by whole the world. We all can be heard and listen to each other.

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